
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Birthday Girl on a Mother's Day

Highlights from Mother's Day:

- Flowers from dear friends/nurses (and their families) from the NICU that took care of our darling Peter. Blessed to be thought of and remembered on this day celebrating the lives of my two angel babies and my role as their mother. Brought tears to my eyes.

- Books/gifts from Zach: The Ordinary Princess (one of my favorite books of all time), Inheritance, Daring to Be Yourself, and The Hiding Place

- Awesome massages from Zach

- Invitation to an amazing Mother's day dinner: Ribs, corn on the cob, homemade bread, salad, and pumpkin pie. I didn't have to cook and didn't have to clean up. Thank you!

- Lucy enjoying all her birthday presents, including the two baby dolls given her at dinner by her new friends

- Lucy enjoying all the stickers given to her by her new friends

- Got chocolates in church instead of a carnation = Win!

- Zach got Lucy all ready for church while I was attending early morning meetings

- My beautiful family sitting next to me in church. Makes my heart overflow each Sunday when I see Zach carrying Lucy into the chapel and bringing her to me. I love having my beautiful family sitting with me each week.

- Wearing my "new" polka dot dress that I thrifted for $0.99 and feeling fabulous in it.

- Wearing my locket to remember the three people who made me a mother.

- Lucy enjoying her birthday carrot cake she picked out, staying up late playing with her new friends, and then skyping with one of her grandmas and family in Alaska for a bit before bed

From some Angels on Earth. Thank you, so much. 

Lucy's One Year Birthday: Wearing the same dress

Lucy's Two Year Birthday: Ah! So grown up!

Enjoying some birthday treats.

Present time, present time! Open a present and see what's inside!

Thanks, Nana and Grandpa!

Then: Lucy opening her presents a year ago.

Now: So contemplative.

Really excited about panties, although not sure she even knows what they are...

My little beauty.

Thanks, Nana and Grandpa!

Thanks, Grandpa Billy and Grandma Gayle! 

Enjoying her birthday "dinner" last year: Cheerios

Enjoying her birthday "cake" last year: Imitation crab meat from the sushi chef

Enjoying her birthday carrot cake

Happy birthday, Lullabelle! I love being your mom!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Impossible Pie:...Impossibly Delicious

I got this recipe from my brother, who got it from our step-mom who got it from her mother, etc.
Both my brother, and I, have enjoyed it's coconutty goodness ever since. This pie is a custardy coconut dream. Mmm. It is yummy both warm, right out of the oven, or cold for breakfast the next morning. (If it lasts that long.)

It is also really ridiculously easy. All you really need are the simple ingredients (that most people probably already have on hand), a blender, pie pan, and oven to cook it in.

Impossible Pie
Makes one pie

1 Cup Coconut
2 Cups Milk
4 Eggs
1/2 Cup Butter
2 Teaspoons Vanilla
3/4 Cup of Sugar
1/2 Cup of Flour


  1. Butter a deep 9 inch pie pan and sprinkle the bottom of pan with the coconut.
  2. Blend the milk, eggs, butter, and vanilla together in blender.
  3. Stir together sugar and flour, then add to mixture in blender.
  4. Blend until smooth and then pour over coconut. Use a fork to push any floating coconut under the liquid all the way.
  5. Place pie in unheated oven and turn oven to 350 degrees. Bake for 45 minutes.
    (After 45 min. it was still a little jiggly, so I turned off the oven, kept a close eye on it, and let it cool down a bit before pulling it out.)
  6. Let cool before cutting. Enjoy!
    Refrigerate leftovers. (If there are any...)

Wet ingredients ready to be blended.

Sugar + flour mixed together. Now add to wet ingredients in blender.

Add flour mixture to wet ingredients, and blend away!

Ready to be poured onto coconut

Push floating coconut under the liquid with a fork

Keep pushing the floating coconut all the way down into the liquid until it is all submerged.

Ready to come out! Let cool a bit before moving so that it deflates and solidifies some.  *Notice strategically placed cookie sheet below pies to catch drips.

Golden goodness.

Look at the tantalizing miracle crust.

This is sooooo good cold the next day. In fact, I might actually prefer it cold. One of the amazing things about this pie is that after blending all the ingredients, pouring it over the coconut, and then baking it, a crust magically forms without any effort on your part. And a mighty tasty crust it is, too!

I doubled the recipe to make two pies, but make sure you have a blender that holds 9 cups before you start pouring all your ingredients in it. Also, place a baking sheet under the pie to catch drips so that they don't get all over the floor of your oven.

This pie would be perfect for a dessert pot luck, shower, and spring/summer holiday dinner.