
Friday, September 21, 2012

French Braids

I was inspired by my cousin Natalie to attempt french braids on Lucy after seeing the cute braids she did on her own daughter. 

Ah! Even more grown up! Who is this little girl, and where did my baby go?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happiness Is: Getting Mail

Zach bought me this beautiful ring for our anniversary this year. I love it. It is so delicate that I can't even feel it on my hand. It is hammered metal, so it is very strong and keeps it shape well despite being so thin. 

BACKORDERED - Thread of Gold - Wavy or Straight - Rose or Yellow - Tiny Halo Hammered Stack Ring - Delicate Jewelry - Memory Ring

Thank you, my sweet!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fill A Frame

I have a thrifted frame that I refinished that I wanted to include on my gallery wall for the guest room, but didn't have a plan of what to put in it yet. I tried putting my mini Turkish rug in it, but later found a better fitting frame for it. I decided to just spray paint the cardboard backing and let Lucy draw all over it in the same colors as the other pieces in the gallery. 

I love how it turned out for a short project for Lucy and a temporary solution for what to put in it. She points it out to me every time we go in the guest room that there is her "artwork".

Mini Turkish rug in frame = No go

The end product!

Down the road we will probably put something else in this frame (possibly another Lucy original), but for now it serves it purpose by filling up an empty frame so that we can add it to the guest bedroom gallery wall.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Peter's Memorial: Eleven Months

Lucy and I have been visiting Zach's parents in Iowa for six weeks while Zach is in training for work. It has been wonderful to spend time with them and have a break from daily life and responsibilities in Texas. 

For Peter's eleven month memorial we went to the cemetery where Zach's grandparents and uncle are buried to release the balloon.

Zach's Uncle Max died earlier this year after struggling with esophageal cancer for two years. 

Out of all of Zach's extended family, Max was the one who made me feel the most loved when we were married. Max made a video slide show of pictures from our childhoods, courtship, and wedding in Alaska to show at our reception in Iowa. 

When we got to the chapel for the reception and met for the first time, I remember him telling me that he felt like he already knew me so well just from making the video for us. We watched the video as a family before the reception started, and I was so touched to see so many eyes filled with tears. I felt so, so loved and accepted into this family.

Uncle Max will always hold a special place in my heart. I look forward to seeing him again. I'm glad we could go visit his grave and think about him and Peter for awhile. It makes me glad to think that he and Peter have had the chance to meet now.

Sweet, sweet boy.

This video is so special to me. I am so glad I have it. A little moment caught on camera of Peter's first smile. Melts my heart.

Grandpa Max's grave.

Kay's parents. 

Back side of gravestones.

Getting ready to send Peter his balloon. Load it up with kisses!

Uncle Max's graveside.

Aunt Patty's husband Don.

Lucy leaving a gift for Uncle Max.

We love and miss you, Uncle Max!

Lucy's Room: Gallery Wall

One of my goals for the year was to frame and hang old treasures and I have been meaning to make a few gallery walls.  I finally got around to it and made a mini gallery in Lucy's room.

The configuration is not the best/most balanced but ultimately I was just happy to get them up on the wall and out of the guest room! I would also like to paint the frame of the cross-stitched poem white to match the rest of the gallery, but it is professionally framed and I would have to take apart the whole thing to do so. We will see!

Gotta love double light switches!

The final product!

Before: Two pictures hung on random nails that were already in the wall
Before: pink/peach frames

After: White frames

This was an early Christmas gift from Zach's parents when Zach and I were dating.  We went to meet his family in Iowa for Thanksgiving.

The whole deal.

Cross-stitched for Zach when he was a baby by a dear family friend and passed down to Lucy and Peter.

Gift from dear friend when Peter died.

Lucy loving her baby brother.


Dating picture of me and Zach in a pressed flower frame from my old YW leader,  baby picture of me, thrifted lace table runner.