
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Anniversary Trip

For our anniversary Zach and I went to San Antonio. At the last minute a friend offered to take Lucy for the weekend which freed us up to do some different activities than we had originally planned. 

On Saturday we went to Six Flags and enjoyed all the roller coasters in the morning and the water park in the afternoon. 

Bugs Bunny White Water Rapids: Loved it!

Water park time!

Taking a nice break by taking a ride on the train around the park.

So handsome!

Enjoying the view from the train.

Bugs' White Water Rapids: Probably my favorite ride in the amusement park side

The Poltergeist: " From zero to 60 mph in just under 3.5 seconds."

Churro = Zach making all my dreams come true

Eagerly awaiting the best part of Six Flags: Ovation! A Broadway review show. I loved it! Thanks, Zach!
(Ps. Can't beat a nice AC filled room during the hottest part of the day!)

Welcome to Texas. Where else are dill pickles so popular? 

Best part of vacation is yummy food. We also had BBQ brisket for lunch. Yum!

On Sunday we attended church and randomly ran into one of our friends from our single days in Alaska. He was in San Antonio for training with the Air Force for a few months. We chatted for a while and the next ward started coming in and we even more randomly ran into another friend from our AK single's ward. He and his wife (also our friend from the single's ward) live just outside San Antonio. They graciously invited us over for Sunday dinner and we really enjoyed talking with everyone and spending a nice Sabbath with old friends. Our hosts also called another old friend of ours and we ended up with six of us hanging out. So random but really awesome to see everyone again.

On Monday we went to a huge outdoor mall and I looked around trying to do a little shopping before heading back home. 

We had such a great time and enjoyed our break away from normal life and responsibilities. This was my first time overnight without Lucy since she was born, and it went great! I was a little worried when we dropped her off that she would be naughty, but our friends said she did great! A great big "thank you" to them for offering to watch her last minute! 

I look forward to another great year with my sweetheart. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Zach and Lucy went to our church's annual Trunk-or-treat together. Before heading out I pulled out all the random mish-mash of costume pieces we've collected over the years. 

Despite a brief moment where Lucy thought she wanted to be a Turkish belly dancer, she finally decided on her fairy-flower princess costume that her Nana brought her last year. This year she even wore the wings!

She really enjoyed having me put makeup on her, but loved the treats she got at the party even more. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Night on the Farm

We enjoyed a work dinner a few weeks ago. Our hosts also have a yard full of animals that Lucy loved seeing up close. She did surprisingly well riding the horse and loved every minute of it.

Thank you for the beautiful evening, M family!