
Sunday, June 16, 2013

To the Dads

Happy Father's Day!

My dad: William Soule, Husband: Zachary, Father-on-law: Gregory Davis, Son: Peter
Peter's blessing day October 2011.

By Tracy Davis

Dads are good,
Dads are great,
Dads let you eat chocolate cake.

Dads are cool,
Dads are neat,
Dads always share their treat.

Dads are smart,
Dads are nice,
Dads always give good advice.

Dads are strong,
Dads are dear,
Without dads we wouldn't be here!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sister Time

Lucy loves being a big sister and tries to do as much as she can (that we will let her) with Clara. I love to see her giving love and affection to her baby sister, and hearing Lucy tell Clara how much she loves her.

Music to a mama's ears.

Here's to best friends that you are born with!

Clara: One Month

All the random every day pictures of Clara from May that don't fit anywhere else.

You have to document this stuff!

Can't not take pictures of a cute baby.

You're welcome!

Clara's Baby Blessing

We were glad Boyd could be here for Clara's baby blessing, which was also her debut at church, as well as my first time in about two months because of difficulties from gestational diabetes when I was pregnant, recovery, etc.

It was so nice to be at church again, although I was not looking forward to having to resume my various responsibilities. I just want to take this short time I have with Clara as a newborn and drink it in fully before it is gone. I didn't get enough time with Peter and have been really enjoying having a precious babe in my arms again. It is so nice to have this sweet baby girl with me, as well as remembering that time I spent with Lucy and Peter as infants, and the sweet joys of motherhood that I have been blessed with.

Those tender moments with my babies are truly the joys of my life, and the memories that bring me the most happiness.

Ready for church!

Lucy loves holding her baby sister.

Lucy saying, "Look, a rose! Tracy Rose Davis!"


Lucy trying to "bump her" = bouncing her to calm her down

One tired Mama.

My girls!

She loves snuggling.

Happy after her nap!

Boydie time.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Woodland Birthday Party

Happy birthday, B! Thanks for inviting us to your party!

Finger painting.

Pull the strings pinata.