
Friday, November 22, 2013

Hotel Livin'

While house hunting and waiting to close on a house, we were living at the hotel on base. Here are a few shots of what we've been up to.

Sister Lovin'

An art project for Lucy: Painting a stained glass window

A night time guest outside our front door.

We are loving being in our own space again! Pictures to come!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Pinterest Party: The Mother Huddle

This picture was from a Pinterest Party I was invited to hosted by my new church friend. I had so much fun! Thanks for the invitation, Aubrey!

For more information and details see her post here.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Clara's First: Baby Food

Clara had her first taste of food beyond breast milk. Baby oatmeal cereal was on the menu. She was all smiles and drools sitting naked in her diaper in the highchair, until she tasted her first bite that is.





Now that it is no longer in her mouth, all smiles again!

"Stop with the baby torture!"


Wanting to chew the spoon, that unknowingly holds more baby food.

Mom pulls a sly one and tips it in.

Disappointment and betrayal. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Splishin' and a Splashin'

Clara has discovered the joy of splashing. She flails her arms and legs as much as she can, slamming them down into the water, over and over.

Taking a bath has become her favorite activity of the day!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween 2013: A French Affair

Lucy decided to be Madeline for Halloween this year and her Grandma Gayle made this awesome dress for her. We love it! It turned out amazing, and several people told Lucy that it was their favorite costume of the night.

I decided to stick with the French theme from Madeline so Clara went as Pierrot (a French clown), and Zach and I were a French couple. We found the hat for Lucy at a thrift store and I rustled up the rest of our costumes and accessories from what we had on hand, and picked up the rest from a few stores around town. I tried to gather as much as I could for the costumes before we moved, but realized after we got to San Antonio that I had forgotten a few things: black beret, red lipstick, Zach's shirt, etc. Luckily we found what we needed locally and had a great time together at the church's Trunk-or-treat!

Oh, my sweet bright eyes. 

Mes amours.

Happy Halloween!