
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Henry: Week Three

Third week of life for Henry.

Full head of hair. Long, silky, black baby hair. That I love to rub. 

Hanging out.

Lazy Saturday afternoon in bed with all my sweeties + kissing baby heads = Heaven. Just need room service to bring us lunch. 2/28/15

Mullet in the making. Get the clippers!

Clara loving her baby. She is fascinated by his face and determined to explore every nook and cranny.

Double kisses.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Henry: Week Two

Hen's second week of life.


Clara loving being a big sister. She refused to give Henry back to me when it was time to put him in bed. 

"Heeey!" - Henry

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Henry: Week One

Henry's first week of life.

Too cute.

Late night nursing pit stop. Wide awake!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Henry: Hospital to Home

Documenting Henry's first days in the hospital and his trip home!

February 11, 12 and 13th, 2015.

February 12, 2015

February 13, 2015
On our way home!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Lucy Update: Drawings, Apples, Wishes

Here is what Lucy was up to the first half of 2015.

Lucy's ballerina.
Jan. 2015

A Sunbeam project from church that Lucy and I added onto at home together.
"I have a body! I can take care of my body by eating healthy food and exercising!"

"Mom! One more picture! A beard!"

"Look Mommy! It's a mustache!"
Jan. 15, 2015

"Happy birthday, we love you so much. We'll bring presents and cookies to you (it's a silly joke). We miss you so much. We hope you come to Texas where we live, because we invited you so much. (Do little hearts.) I love you Scott!" <3 <3
Lucy's birthday message for Uncle Scott. Jan. 2015

Lucy's first talk from August 24, 2014. 
The topic was:
"Participating in wholesome activities will strengthen my family"

"L, Lucy. T, for mommy. D for Dad. P for Peter. P for Puddin'. R for Clara." Feb. 2015

"These are my three wish flowers. I wish I could be a fairy, I wish I could be happy, and I wish I could make good choices."
Additional wishes added moments later when she found more flowers are:
- I wish I could live a good life
- I wish I could grow up and be a good feeder (feed her children, a good "cooker")
- I wish I could be a good mom when I grow up

A thank you card for Uncle Boyd showing the coloring pencils and roll of paper she got from him for Christmas. 

"This is a girl from the movie we watched that I didn't really like, but I drew it anyways. She has yellow hair. This is the table with the key and bottle on it. This is the door that can talk and tells her to drink the bottle so she will be small, but he is really tricking her. She tries to chase the rabbit but it didn't work. She tried to run as fast as she could."