
Sunday, January 29, 2012

2012: This Year I Will...

My friend, Brooke has an inspiring list of goals for the year and I decided to make one for myself and even steal a few of hers. These are fun things to make happen, not really self-improvement goals that you are forcing yourself to do. There are a few things I would like to do that I never get around to. Here they are:

1. Create A Masterpiece
I have an art degree, the know-how and tools, but rarely ever create art for myself. This year is the year to create! I bought a large framed "painting" at the Salvation Army a few months ago for about $8.00. I want to paint over it and create a beautiful piece for my living room.

2.  Frame Old Treasures
I have pretty much every piece of artwork I have ever created. I went through all of my high school and college artwork last week and pulled out some pieces to frame and display in my home. What is the point of having it if you never look at it? Maybe a gallery wall?

3. Downsize Personal Art Collection
Like I said, I pretty much have every piece I've ever made. Including all 23 prints from my 23 print series. I really don't need to have 23 copies of the same piece of art. I've never been motivated to sell my own art and so my goal is to actually package and sell some of my artwork.

4. Execute Some Pins
So many pins, so few of them actually attempted. I want to continue trying new recipes and creating beauty using my boards on Pinterest as inspiration and documenting my attempts here. Viva la Pinterest!

5. Send Letters
Send some sort of snail mail to family and close friends at some point this year. Last year we sent Valentine pictures. Maybe Valentines will become our yearly mail-out.

A Turkish Valentine

Lucy In the Sky With  Diamonds
Thinking of You

6. Family Trip
Family vacation time. Plans are in the works already... :)

7. Have A Party
I love planning and throwing a party. I have at least two murder mystery dinner party games unopened in my game closet, a new collection of mini glass coco cups for a hot chocolate party, I love me a good ol' Asian Dinner Party Pot Luck or even a Turkish Dinner Party. Just need to pick the party and start planning.

Turkish Delight

Chicken with mushrooms, kofte (meat balls), Turkish pilav, assorted veggies.  

So Turkish

8. Draw
Fill at least one sketch book. I have so many blank books and never actually draw anything unless someone asks me to. These inspire me.

9. Portraits
Draw some portraits of Zach, Lucy, and Peter and pick one to frame and display. This one is a tall order, but I looked at my head drawings and portrait drawings and it made me wish I had some of the people I love most.

10. Braid
Learn how to do a fishtail braid. Seems complicated, yet easy?

I will keep you updated on the progress! :D


  1. Love this! I need to make a list of goals for this year too. It's actually something I've never done before so it's long overdue. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

    1. Thanks, B! You should! And post it on your blog. I think one of your goals should be talent related too- like singing in public more, or trying out for a musical. :D I'm excited to see your fun list!

  2. portrait of your favorite brother in order as well!

    1. Haha! You will have to come back to TX to pose for me. :)

  3. hi tracy, glad you posted a comment on my blog so i could fine yours :) your family is so cute. i read a little about your peter from scott's blog and it made me cry. so glad we have the gospel in our lives! take care, brooke

    1. Thanks so much, Brooke.
      Amen to that! The gospel makes all the difference.
      You are adorable, and your fresh blog is inspiring. You have a great sense of style. :)


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