
Friday, February 24, 2012

#5 Lucy's Valentines 2012

I bought a pack of blank crafting cards from Walmart and planned to use this pin, this pin, this pin, and this pin as inspiration for Lucy's Valentines. This project is a double whammy as it also helps me meet goal #5 for the year! (Even though they got sent out late, and still have a few to mail! It's never too late to mail some love though, right?)

Here is the inspiration:

Pinned ImagePinned Image

Pinned ImagePinned Image

Here is Lucy's take on it!

Crayons: we started with some "baby" crayons (pictured below) but they were too waxy and didn't always leave dark enough lines (which is what we wanted for this project) so I switched to crayola
You can also pick a few crayons for a specific color scheme you want, ie. just give them all the pink, red, purple crayons for a V-day look

Watercolor Paper: I bought a pack from Walmart that came in a notebook glued together on one end. Just pull a sheet out at a time. If you weren't going to watercolor afterwards, you could just use any kind of paper you had on hand. Watercolor is nice because it is thick and won't wrinkle as much.

Watercolors and brush: I used a set I had on hand from one of my bridal shower gifts (Thanks, Amy!) and mixed the colors up on a palette. Older kids could probably do it themselves straight from the paint pots. I also didn't include the brown or black for Lucy because I didn't want the colors to muddy up any more than they already would.

Water and large container to hold it in

Blank cards and envelopes


Cutting board: for even 3x3 square paintings at the end

Scrap paper: for heart template and "my art belongs to you" tags- I printed mine on computer paper

Mini heart hole punch for inside of card: optional. I got mine at Walmart for 99 cents.

Clear photo corners: you could also just glue it down inside the card

Exacto knife: Not for little hands! This is one of the parent parts of the project!

Loving coloring, little does she know it's about to get even better!

After filling the watercolor paper with crayon drawings, we start the watercolor painting! I did a wash of just clear water over the entire paper so that the colors would flow and mix together. (Also known as "wet-on-wet".)

Going at it.

Coming together.

Strategically placing the paint pallet over the part already painted so Lucy will paint the other areas.

Lucy loved loading up her brush!

The crayons act as a wax resist to the watercolors. Highly recommended for Easter egg dying.

Choosing new colors for her second piece.

After they had dried for awhile I sprinkled salt on the puddles that remained. Once it was completely dried, rub the salt off for a cool texture, and sometimes a little bit of sparkle.

Fold, then cut with scissors!

Template for tracing hearts on blank cards. I used a pencil to lightly trace, then cut it out  on the card with an exacto knife. After you cut it out the card, use an eraser to get rid of any lingering pencil marks.

After painting dries, cut into 3 inch squares.


First five done!

I used clear photo corners inside the card to put a mini-painting in each card, so they could be removed and kept if they wanted. Just line up the painting so it will show through the window, stick down, and viola!

I was in love with how they turned out, and my favorites were the ones with the non-traditional colored hearts- like the two on the bottom in the picture above.

On the back of the Valentine for Zach I wrote little notes about what Lucy is like right now, a mini-time capsule of sorts to look back on and remember. Favorite foods, words she says, etc.

Eager to show dad her creation.

Proud of her artwork! 

Lucy absolutely LOVED using the watercolors and we will definitely be using them again soon.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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