
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

All You Need Is Love: Part One

Happy Valentine's Day!

I really don't care for people who hate on V-day, who call it Single Awareness Day, or complain about how it's commercialized, etc. Be a lover, not a hater.

I choose to see the day as an opportunity to celebrate the people I love and let them know I care.

It's not just a day for romance! It's about LOVE! So, share the love. Everyone wants, and needs, to know that they are loved.

Lucy and I made homemade Valentines (pictures to come soon) for her grandparents etc. I loved sharing my love of art with her, and she LOVED using the watercolors. So fun!

Homemade is my favorite! Who doesn't love a  handwritten love letter or card? Oh, and I LOVE me some poetry. I even made Zach a Valentine art piece with a poem incorporated. Be excited.

Here is the current V-day excitement:

1. Gift Portrait
Wow, right!?
My first valentine of 2012!

An awesome Disney portrait from my dear sis. Thanks, K!

2. Zach came home unexpectedly for lunch and brought me Rosa's! Yum. Thanks, sweetie! A very thoughtful and appreciated gesture of love.

3. Orange-glazed Cornish Hens with asparagus and cherry topped cheese cake for desert. (pictures to come)
The name pretty much says it all. And all it's saying is, "Yuuuuuuuuum!"

4. Skyping with my bros, sister-in-law, and internet bestie. ;)
I LOVE my family! I hope some day we can live closer to all my amazing family members. It's a dream of mine...

5. Playing some board games. His Valentine's day is now complete.

More to come...

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