
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lucy Lately: Jan- March

Snuggle time.

Best mom ever.

Fun with M.

Happiest girl in the world.

Sucking the lemon rind.

Lucy found the bottom compartment on the co-sleeper. 

Testing out mom's body pillow.


Lucy learning how to feed herself!

For some reason she loves putting socks on her arms. Usually stinky socks. 

Wanting to be like mom and dad.

Lovin' her new xylophone that we found for $3.00 at Goodwill!

Lucy loves her other favorite toy, a cardboard box.

Hippy hipster.

A new use for a broken clip on earring.

What a sweetie!

Loves her bindi!


  1. There's no stinky socks in our home!

  2. Silly Lulu!

    From Z - How can you work computers since you're just a toddler? Lulu is hilarious. I'm going to draw her a picture.
    From J - How are you? Why did you eat mac and cheese so silly? I thought it was funny when Lulu was hiding in Peter's bed. Why? Was it fun?

    1. We miss you Z and J!
      Lu would love a picture! She doesn't use a computer, she just pulled it down so that she could try. :)
      We are good! Lucy was eating her food so funny because she was just starting to learn how to hold her spoon and get the food on it into her mouth. She climbed in the bottom of the crib because it was a fun little Lucy-sized hiding spot. She was having fun climbing in and out of there.

  3. Yep, yep! She's darling!!! My two-year-old LOVES socks on her hands too! She always needs help putting the second one on!

    1. Thanks! :D She has recently discovered that her own socks make nice mini-sized gloves. :)

  4. Ohhh my gosh she is so dang cute! Man how much fun is she!


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