
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter 2012

This Easter we enjoyed some love from afar through various packages brought to us through the mail. We love getting real mail! Especially packages, and even more especially packages involving cookies or chocolate. :)

Thank you family! 

I wish we lived closer to our family and loved ones, but we are also blessed to have made close friends here in Texas. Now all we need is a bigger airport and closer Temple

Now for Easter baskets, fashion, and more!

Thank you Aunt Krista! She loves it!

Thanks, Mom! I loved it all!

Thank you Grandpa Billy and Grandma Gayle!

Lucy's Easter Basket: Chocolate Eggs, "Awesome" slap bracelet, Wooden train whistle, Wooden slide whistle, Recorder,  Sidewalk chalk eggs

Mom's Goodies

Dad's Goodies

Lucy found her treasures!

Excited about her new recorder.

Alas, you cannot play the recorder with your nostrils.  ... Or can you?


"One egg,...not enough.."

Chocolate Coma

"Must get it all in my mouth!"

"Stay in my mouth!"

"Where'd it go?"

Caught in the act.

"How do I get this melted chocolate off my hands and into my mouth?"

"I wish this was chocolate."

"Is this chocolate?"

"Is this?"

Note to self: Take pictures before church and not after, which is when your baby needs a nap

Sad, sad girl.

Bracelet: Gift, found here. Love it! Thanks, Anne!

I was pretty excited to wear this skirt that I thrifted a few weeks before for about  $6.00!
100% wool, and it has pockets! Such a pretty color.

Shirt & Necklace: Forever 21

Easter Feast!

I had a little bit of an epiphany a week or so before Easter. I didn't really have a lot of plans for Easter, decorations, dinner, or otherwise. I was thinking about how I celebrate it, and started thinking about what Easter was really about and what it really celebrated.

It was no revelation to me that Easter is about celebrating the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but when I stopped to think about it, I realized that I had more reason than ever this year to really celebrate and remember Him and those events. Without His atoning sacrifice it would not be possible for any of us to be resurrected, for us to be together forever as eternal families, or for us to repent and become like our Father in Heaven and return to Him someday.

The Savior of the world made it possible for me to see Peter again and be with him and our Father in Heaven again.

He is risen! Thanks to Him for His atoning sacrifice!

Happy Easter to all, and to all a good night!

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