
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Friendship Brunch

In our part of Texas we have a lot of people move in and out of our area and it can be hard to step out of your comfort zone and make new friends. 

We decided to make things a bit easier for everyone by having a Friendship Brunch to help ladies get to know each other and introduce themselves. We had name tags for each lady to fill out and put on so that we could all learn and remember each others names. 

We had an amazing crepe bar with delicious crepes with all kinds of fillings. My favorite was fresh strawberries, cool whip, cherry pie filling, chopped pecans, and powdered sugar. Mmmm. 

After we were done eating we had a get-to-know-you Bingo where you had to have each lady sign a square where they fit the description. For example I could sign the following squares: lived in another country, went to BYU (I), plays tennis, loves to eat, loves to cook, etc. 

Next we had a lady share her experiences learning how to love like the Savior loves, and seeing each other as sisters and children of God. Another lady shared different kinds of friendship and her experiences making new friends and putting herself out there to make connections.

We finished the afternoon with Speed Friending (like speed dating) where you sit across the table in two rows and after two minutes one side of the table slides down and talks to the next sister sitting across from them. We had prompts and questions written out for each lady in case they needed help knowing what to talk about for the two minutes. It was a really great way to make sure you got to meet each lady there and learn something new about them.

Lastly we had each lady write on the back of their papers two truths about themselves and a lie and have the lady across from them guess which was the lie. A few ladies read theirs out loud and we had a great time learning about them and guessing what they had done. 

This activity was a great success and I think we will do similar activities in the future. 

What kinds of games or activities do you like to do, or has worked great for you in the past to get to know people? Suggestions for future get-to-know-you activities? 


  1. Nice Job! We sure did have a great time!

    1. You did a great job sharing your insights and experiences too, thanks for helping!

  2. Hey, I know lots of those ladies! Glad you had a good time.

    1. We wish you were here! :D I bet lemon 5 would be good with crepes...

  3. I wish we'd do that here! I'm having a terrible time keeping people straight and getting to know them. They don't even have any Relief Society activities, in our ward. :(

    1. Susie, it's never too late to volunteer to host one! :D Or even if the church doesn't do them, have a brunch at your house and invite ladies you would like to get to know better, or even the whole RS.

      I want to host a murder mystery dinner one of these days. :)

      Good luck!


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