
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Death Talk: Heavenly Father's Hand

I've been thinking about death a lot this past week (even more so than usual). Last Friday my bishop called me to tell me that a family traveling through our area had gotten in a car accident nearby and some of the family members had died, while others were in critical condition and flown to our local hospital. As the president of the women's organization of our local congregation, he asked me to go to the hospital to meet with the surviving family members from the accident and offer our help.

Two of the daughters in the car died on impact and shortly thereafter. One daughter is in the ICU here and is heavily sedated and in serious condition. The mom, who was driving, and her older son who was in the passenger seat miraculously both escaped the accident with minimal injuries.

As I met with them and had the opportunity to help this family I have reflected on Heavenly Father putting people in our lives to help us, or for us to help. The thought has crossed my mind that maybe this experience was the very reason I was called to be Relief Society President in February so that I could be the one to go to them in their time of need.

I feel very blessed that I was able to be a part of their experience and try to help them through this trial. If I wasn't the R.S. President, I would not have had this opportunity.

As I met their various friends and family members and watched them embrace each other and shed tears, I felt that I was standing on holy ground. My heart ached for them and their loss and I shed tears along with them as I stood to the side and watched trying not to intrude on their moment of grief and consolation. I think sometimes in those circumstances we don't know what to do, but I felt a truth speak to my heart in that moment. Just mourn with them. Don't feel that you have to hold back the emotions or tears. Be in that sacred moment with them, and be grateful you were able to be there. Just cry with them.

I have also seen how even through heartbreaking trials and tragedy, God doesn't forget us. I have seen His hand guide us through them. I've seen this in my own trials and pain, and I've seen another testimony of this as I've been blessed to see into this family's tragedy as well. There are so many details already lined up perfectly to help us through these trials, blessings lining up as trials occur, and helping hands appearing just as they are needed.

God loves us and will help us through our pains and trials if we go to Him for help.


  1. Tracy, I think you are wonderful. I just love you. Thank you so much for your example; I'm sure that family felt comfort from you coming to be with them.

  2. I didn't know you were RS Pres! I'm glad you were able to be there for them. Mosiah 18:9 "Yea, and are awilling to mourn with those that bmourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as cwitnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the dfirst resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—"
    You are amazing! My heart & prayers go out to this family!

  3. Thank you so much for helping my cousin and her family!

  4. Hi Tracy, I live back in the Sugar Land area where the Johnson family is from and it's been hard on so many of us being so far away from them in their time of need. Thank you for being there. I also believe that Heavenly Father puts people in our lives for reasons and I'm sure you touched the Johnson family in a very special way. Thank you for sharing your touching post with us.

    Shelley Simiskey

  5. This reminded me of why trials are not only necessary, but a blessing. Such a difficult concept to accept, at least for me.


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