
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Mommy and Me: Thrifting With Lucy

I had the great idea to take Lucy on a fun outing to the Antique Mall last week to look for some treasures. I love going to this store and seeing all the fun things they have. 

Note to self: Don't take small children to a tightly packed mini-mall full of breakable antiques. 

Despite having to tell Lucy to fold her arms, follow me, and not to touch anything (x 100), we had a pretty good time and took some fun pictures.

We ended up buying a pair of clip-on pearl earrings for Lucy for $1.00, but in the process she also lost her pansy ring she was wearing that we had thrifted the week before, so I guess we'll call it even.

Lucy loved trying on all the glasses she found. 

Ah! Who is who? Is that Lucy? Or should we call her Nana? (Ps. What a cute picture of Kay and Peter.)

Sooo cute!

Tempted to buy this dress for $12, but wasn't sure if they had a dressing room to try it on.

I loved this Madeline hat, but not for $10.

I can't wait to go back and bring some of my friends, but definitely on a day with no kids. Maybe they will even have found Lucy's lost pansy ring by then!

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