
Monday, December 31, 2012

Frontier Christmas Dance and Concert

We had another wonderful Christmas party with Zach's coworkers at the Frontier Christmas Dance and Concert.

All day Lucy was practicing her dancing and was eagerly looking forward to the "dance party" later that night.

This year Lucy decided that she wanted to be like mom and requested some curlers in her hair as well. I think we look like Princess Leia impersonators. 

Lucy happy as a clam.

Admiring her curls in the mirror.

I can't believe how long her hair has gotten!

The Queen made an appearance. She had some amazing jewels!

Dancing with Dad.


  1. Lucy's shoes are SO cute! Tracy, you pull off the pioneer look well!

    1. Thanks! I got Lucy's shoes for one or two dollars at a local thrift store. :)


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