
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Peter's Memorial: One Year

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since Peter's birth and death. October and November were difficult months for me due to several factors.  If we can all avoid getting sick next year I think that will help. I'm glad to report that I am doing much better and have been enjoying the holiday season.

Last year Peter died the morning of the day before Thanksgiving which was the 23rd. This year the 23rd fell the day after Thanksgiving. I think every year the day before Thanksgiving and the 23rd will both be heavy in my heart.

To commemorate Peter's one year memorial we bought extra-large balloons with polka dots on them and released them at his grave.

Lucy placing her sacrificial clumps of dirt on Peter's headstone.

Saying a prayer.

Lucy said she needed to give Peter a hug before we left.

We love and miss you, Peter.

All our love.
- Mom, Dad, and Lucy


  1. I know what you mean about the days around Thanksgiving. My oldest brother's birthday is the 24th of Nov, and he died on the 28th, which happened to be the day after Thanksgiving that year. It generally makes it a hard week of the year for me. :(
    I think your fancy polka-dot balloons were a great tribute, and I especially love Lucy's hugs. :)
    Love you guys! And love/miss Peter!

    1. Thanks, Susie! I had to wait until now to write about it, because I don't want to write right in the middle of feeling bad. :S It's easier to talk about after the clouds have parted. :)

  2. Lucy's hug is so small yet so powerful! Thinking of you all and sending our love.

  3. Tracy, these pictures are so sweet. Lucy looks like a happy little girl! I hope I get to meet her someday.
    I have been thinking about you. I'm glad you posted this. Peter's ornament is hanging on my tree right now and I am so blessed to have his little handprint to remind me of you and your sweet family.


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