
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Surprises in the Mail

Lucy loves walking to the mailbox with me each day to check the mail. She points out every house her friends live in, and makes some up as we go along.

Lucy was delighted when there were two packages for her in the box! The first was a package of paint brushes from my good friend in Idaho, and the second was a homemade Christmas pillowcase from her Grandma Gayle. She was ecstatic! She promptly let me know that she needed to make some artwork, and sat on her newly covered pillow all evening and carried it around the house.

She also really loved the cards that came with the gifts and still carries them all around the house with her.

Thank you for the fun surprises!


  1. How cute! I have a little girl that is a lot like that with cards - LOVES the little cards that come with gifts. Your daughter is such a sweetie! I can tell by the care she is taking with her cards.

    1. It's like a cardboard box, you never know what they will love! Probably just a piece of card stock! :D

  2. I love that she is carrying her pillow around to sit on it. Haha...cute!

    1. Haha. I know! It made me laugh. It was her personal seat for the rest of the evening.


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