
Monday, December 31, 2012

Frontier Christmas Dance and Concert

We had another wonderful Christmas party with Zach's coworkers at the Frontier Christmas Dance and Concert.

All day Lucy was practicing her dancing and was eagerly looking forward to the "dance party" later that night.

This year Lucy decided that she wanted to be like mom and requested some curlers in her hair as well. I think we look like Princess Leia impersonators. 

Lucy happy as a clam.

Admiring her curls in the mirror.

I can't believe how long her hair has gotten!

The Queen made an appearance. She had some amazing jewels!

Dancing with Dad.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

St. Nicholas Day

Every year growing up we celebrated St. Nicholas Day with my mother. It was an old German family tradition we looked forward to every December 6th.

Basically, it's like getting your stocking filled twice- only on St. Nicholas day he fills your shoe. For me there was usually candy, an Archie comic book, some other small treats or toys, and an orange.

This is a tradition I have enjoyed keeping and once again, St. Nick did not disappoint!

What are your favorite family traditions during the holidays?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hot Cocoa Party

For our church's monthly ladies night activity we had a hot cocoa bar. Several ladies got together earlier in the week and decorated the mugs. We had one for each lady to take home and extras for them to take to the ladies they visit each month that were not able to make it. 

We had three kinds of hot chocolate (milk, dark, and Mexican) and one crock pot of apple cider.

One lady made mint chocolate covered spoons to stir with. Yum!

There were lots to mix-ins and flavorings to add.

We played a mixer where everyone put one shoe into the laundry basket and then drew a different one out. Each person found the match to the shoe they picked and learned something new about them to share with the group.

We also played another game after everyone had gotten their drinks. If you had whipped cream on your drink you shared your engagement story, if you had marshmallows you shared your most embarrassing moment, and if you had nothing you shared a pet peeve.
*Note: I would not recommend sharing pet peeves. It would have been better to have them share a talent or favorite food, etc.

To end the night we all sat in the living room and listened to some inspiring Christmas stories. It was such a nice and relaxing evening with friends. I look forward to another cocoa party next year!

DIY: Mistletoe Ball

For Lucy's activity today we made a mistletoe ball and hung it over the entrance to the Kitchen/Living Room where it will get lots of use.

Green Fabric
Pearl Beads
Nail and Hammer

I ironed and then folded the fabric in an accordion style. Then cut it out all together.

Cut in a peanut shape. For thicker fabric, make the pinched in middle smaller.

Because I folded in accordian-style, the fabric alternated between the plain back and printed front.

Tie and knot. Leave a long string from one end to use for hanging.

Wrap the string around a few more times and knot again.

Fan out leaves.

Keep adjusting until the ball is the shape you want. Trim short end of string.

To add berries: Thread needle and knot the end. Sew into the middle of the ball, add three pearl beads and stitch again at the start. Repeat for more berries in another part of the ball.

Use a nail and hammer to hang it where there is lots of foot traffic.

A success!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Turtle Pretzel Bites

To commemorate Peter's first birthday we made Turtle Pretzels to bring to our friends, the NICU nurses at the hospital where Peter was born and taken care of. It was a great way to remember him and say thank you to those that loved and remember him too.

Original recipe found here.

Turtle Pretzel Bites

- Bite sized waffle shaped pretzels
- Caramel Kisses
- Pecans

1. Preheat oven to 170. Lay foil on baking sheet and cover with pretzels.

2. Remove wrappers from kisses and place one on each pretzel.

3. Place in preheated oven for 4-6 minutes or until chocolate turns shiny.

4. Remove from oven and quickly and gently press pecan onto each kiss.

5. Allow treats to cool a few minutes before placing in the refrigerator to set about 10 minutes.

6. Package and give away or just keep and enjoy!

This is what happens if you get overzealous in pressing the pecan into the chocolate. Be gentle!

Pecans pressed on squarely.

Or... pecans pressed on at a diagonal. 

I think the diagonal is prettier. 

This treat is super easy and really yummy. These would be a quick and delicious addition to a Christmas goody plate. I will definitely make these again in the future.