
Saturday, January 19, 2013

2013: This Year I Will...

Last year for my fun yearly goals, I only accomplished eight out of the ten goals I set. I decided to try again and see if I can get all ten this year.

So here are ten fun things I will do this year!

1. Make homemade bread in the oven:
I made some delicious bread using a bread machine last year. This year I want to try my hand at oven baking.

I have so many fond memories of making homemade bread with my mom as a kid. We had a mini loaf pan that I would use. It always made me feel so special to have my own little loaf of bread. I want to create sweet memories like that with Lucy. Plus, the smell of homemade bread = heaven.

2. Chalkboard frame and drawings:
This is a re-visit of a project I wanted to accomplish last year, my "create a masterpiece". Because I could never decide what to paint over the thrifted painting I bought, I finally decided I want to paint over it with chalkboard paint and do chalkboard drawings on it throughout the year. This also gives me the chance to exercise my drawing skills, which I am excited to do again.

3. Professional Massage:
I have never had a professional full body massage before and have been longing to! I even got a "gift card" to go get one last year from my parents, but never made it happen. This year I will!

4. Organize and downsize jewelry collection:
While I like organizing and downsizing, I usually balk at getting rid of any jewelry as I always anticipate the future day when I can bestow it upon Lucy. I loved that my own mom gave me her old jewelry and so always want to save treasures for Lucy for when she gets a little older.

Instead of having it clutter my jewelry box, and opposed to just getting rid of it, my plan is to pick a jewelry/treasure box to store it in for Lucy's future use.

5. Have fresh flowers in my home:
Whether picking roses and irises from the yard, or buying them from the store, I want to have more fresh flowers in my home this year. I love flowers and they make me so happy whenever I look at them.

6. Make some hair clips for Lucy:
I generally don't like the hair clips available for little girls at local stores. I have been saving scraps of fabric, pinning inspiration, and finally bought some clips to make some myself. Now all I have to do it sit down and make it happen!

7. Fill another sketch book:
Last year's 2-Day Draw was such a success, I thought I would fill another sketch book again this year. I would also like to add "write poetry" to this project and incorporate it into filling of said sketch book.

8. Finish reading Daring to Be Yourself:
A great book to help you figure out and pin down who you are and what you love. Discover your sense of style, and what truly makes you happy.

9. Do a new art project with Lucy every month:
We have done lots of crayon and crayon/watercolor art this past year, but this year I want to branch out and introduce Lucy to some new mediums.

10.  Visit Alaska for Christmas:
Oh, it's a dream of mine! We will have to see what things are actually like next fall/winter, but I hope we can manage it.


I would really love, love to hear what fun things you want to do this year! Post your ideas below, or post a link to your own list!

If you are having trouble thinking here is a fun link to help you brainstorm. I love it! 


  1. Yes! Number 5 is going on my list, too. I loved looking at your sketchbook in 2012, can't wait to see what you create in 2013!

    1. Thanks, Brooke! I am really excited to start! :D
      I hope you post your list so I can get ideas for next year!

  2. You forgot, drive to Nebraska with a trunk load of Haagen Daz Lemon Five and hang out with Heather for at least a week.


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