
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas Eve

Since we've lived in Texas we have celebrated Christmas eve by going out to dinner. This year we went with our friends from church and their two kids. After eating we went to the downtown light show tour.

Lucy loved looking at all the lights as we pointed out each grouping. At the end there was a nativity scene.

Going through the light tunnel.

After getting home we started a fire in the fireplace, Lucy opened up a present/her new pajamas, and we had family scripture time and read some Christmas books.


  1. Great pictures! Lucy is gorgeous and you look great Tracy! I hope to see y'all again sometime :)

  2. You did cut your hair! It looks great. Lu is growing up so fast and her hair is almost as long as yours now. Hugs.

    1. Thanks, Heather! :D I know! Lucy's hair amazes me every day. I can't believe how long it's gotten since I cut it last January.

      I miss you!


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