
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Rose By Any Other Name

Naming a baby is hard! I take it seriously and pray for inspiration, think about it a lot, study it out, make lists and excel spread sheets, try different first, middle and last name combinations, etc. We usually have a name picked out that we are thinking about and considering, but still wait to finalize it until the baby is born to see them and see if the name fits and we still feel good about it. 

"I'm here! What's my name?"

This time we didn't even start name searching until about two weeks before she was born, and no name was really sticking out to me as I searched. I barely even found one that I liked about the week before she was due.

We want our children to feel good about their name, it's meaning, origin, and namesakes and to be proud to be connected and associated with it.

After she was born I didn't get that "confirmation" feeling with the name like I had with Lucy and Peter, so we kept discussing it and waiting to officially name her and fill out the social security paperwork. The problem was that there was no other names coming to mind! "Heavenly Father, if this isn't her name, please let us know what is!"

We finally decided to just go with it on the Friday after she was born when we had to fill out the social security paperwork at the hospital since we didn't have anything else, but I was seriously second guessing myself for about two weeks after. "Zach, I think we named our baby the wrong name. But I don't know what else it is supposed to be!"

April 23rd was the first day that I actually felt like it could be her name. (She was born on the 17th.)

Clara Rose Davis.

I love the name and think it is so pretty, it's just that it didn't seem to be her name for some reason.  Who knows. It's officially her name and I don't have any plans on changing it, but I am still getting used to it.

To my sweet Clara Rose!


  1. Seeing these pictures just filled me with love for you and your great family. ---I really like Lucy's hand holding Clara's little foot in the first picture :). And I love Clara Rose's name. It is perfect in my mind.

    1. Right back at ya! I love your pics of Kate. She is soo cute. I hope our babes can meet again soon! I miss you!

      Thanks, Melanie!

      Ps. I'm glad you started blogging again and made it public! :D

  2. She's getting so chubby! We were joking that you should have stayed with the Narnia theme....but Susan isn't a good choice since she fell away, and Edmund doesn't really fit either. There's a girl in our ward named Aslan, but no....Clara Rose is darling. Zeke was wondering if she felt left out though that she doesn't have a holiday name. After thinking about it for a minute he said, "But you have roses on Valentine's day so she and LuLu go together."

    1. Haha! I love it! Thanks. :)

      I have wondered if down the road Lucy will feel bad that she didn't get my middle name, but I hope not, because her name is awesome too! That's why we picked it. :)

    2. PS. Lucy was adamant that we name her "Poppy Friday Davis". Haha. Who knows where that came from. Her other suggestions were "mommy", "daddy", "lucy", "wall" and "door". :)

    3. Jake was named "Tow Truck" for the first 3 or 4 days of his life because we couldn't decide on a name. And that's what his brothers thought it should be. All the nurses made signs for him, to hang in the room and on his bassinet saying Tow Truck.

  3. She is all wrinkly and adorable. I want to hold her! And by the way, you look FANTASTIC for having had a baby 2 months ago lady!

    1. Thanks, B! Gestational Diabetes did it's thing. Haha. Now if I can only stay with that carefully controlled diet, I can stay this way!

  4. Hey so I totally get that naming thing. We really feel like our children have names and we have to seek and find what it is and not what we "like". Although, we do end up liking the names later. Naming our daughter was really hard and we had a name we thought was her's but when we had her (she was huge) and so we started thinking of what her name was again cause it wasn't what we though. Anyways after a lot of praying we found out her name was Hannah Rachel. It still feels weird calling her that but it is her name, it has meaning, connection, heritage and still sometimes it is still very awkward.

    Beautiful baby.

    1. Thanks for sharing! It's nice to know I'm not the only one. :)


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