
Friday, June 14, 2013

Chicken Farm First Saturday

One of the fun things we did with Boyd while he was here was visit the Saturday market held at the local art center. They have lots of random booths selling art, jewelry, food, and other Texas nick-nacks.

Lucy loved checking out the animals on display and the art table that had free clay to play with. She poked holes in the clay to her hearts content while Boyd and I rested in the shade and listened to the hootenanny playing in front of us.

I finally had to drag her away when we were ready to move on to the next area. Lucy got a lot of compliments on her hat and boots. A little girl in cowboy boots is very popular 'round these parts.

If you ever come and visit, and you like cheese, I recommend the homemade goat cheese sold at one of the boots. Yum!

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