
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Lucy's Birthday: Year Three

Happy birthday, Lucy!

Lucy and I had a good time celebrating her third birthday together. She started the day by opening her presents, then we went to the store with friends, had cupcakes, and sang Happy Birthday.

She was happy as a clam and is already telling me what she wants to do next year.

From mom and dad.

Excited to start opening the gifts!
Thanks for the baby stroller, Nana and Poppa!

Thanks, Grandpa Billy and Grandma Gayle!

From Mom: Her own jewelry box and quick-drying pink nail polish

Her own watch from Dad (with LOTS of buttons)

Three Years Old:

- You know your birth date, the whole names of your family members, color names, and the names of most of your body parts.

- You love to sing:
ABCs, I Am A Child of God, Love At Home, Families Can Be Together Forever, Book of Mormon Stories, Once There Was A Snowman, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and making up your own songs too.

- You love to eat:
Lucky Charms (usually only Dad gives them to you), french fries, tomatoes, cheese, yogurt, cuties (oranges), peanut butter and apple butter sandwiches, Frozen yogurt, cupcakes, chips, and anything else that Dad sneaks you for a treat.

- You go to bed between 6pm and 7pm, but don't usually fall asleep for awhile. You like to be tucked in and have your pink bunny or Peter Rabbit bunny with you.

- Your favorite activities:
Reading books, coloring, art projects, dress-ups, dancing, snuggling, playing in the backyard, playing with your baby dolls, helping mom cook, helping/hugging/holding Clara, cat hunting/walks with Grandpa Billy, watching The Lorax and Mickey Mouse, and wrestling/supergirl/hide-n-seek/playing games with Daddy.

 Thanks for the yummy treats, Cassie!

Lucy with her buddy.

We lit, blew out, and re-lit the candle about five times. That's how the birthday girl rolls!

Happy birthday, Lullabelle!

We are so grateful to have you as a part of our family. We love you so much!

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