
Tuesday, August 20, 2013


On the way home from meeting Dad for lunch, Lucy asked if we could go somewhere. We decided to head over to the cemetery and visit Peter's grave. With the deadline of unemployment/new job and supposed move looming nearer and nearer, I thought it would be good to visit while we still had the chance.

This is the first time visiting that it was set up for a funeral. It made me think back on the day we buried Peter. I didn't take any pictures at the time, and wish I had, so it was nice to snap a few shots of what it was like that day.

And for anyone who is wondering, this is what a funeral/burial looks like for an infant.

Sitting with Peter.

The coffin is placed on top of this frame. Under the AstroTurf rug is the hole with a wooden board covering it. The frame is on top of the board, which is over the hole. To the side (the rug blob to the right) is the dirt mound that will cover the coffin once it is placed in the hole.

Look how nicely the grass has grown over Peter's grave.

Can I have too many pictures of Peter's headstone? Nope!

I love visiting the cemetery. I will miss this peaceful lovely place surrounded by cotton fields.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize you all are thinking about moving, Tracy. Good luck to your family. Thanks for sharing these sweet pictures. Lucy is adorable as always. :)


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