
Monday, August 26, 2013

Inspired This Week: Hair & Marriage

Here are some things I've been loving lately.

1. This haircut:

2. Focusing on your spouse/marriage:

Click here.

and here.

What things/people have been inspiring you lately?


  1. You ask what has inspired me this week, easy, a wonderful funeral that I attended for a good brother who was in our ward awhile ago. Brother Earl Watson, my dear people, as was told by his son he had southern hospitality, he was a gentleman through and through. He was always very kind, and very cheerful his whole life. An example for us all to follow. He cared about others first before himself, just like my wonderful father and his kindness is exemplary for all of us. He stayed true to his testimony of the Savior and believed in the Book of Mormon and the scriptures as well. He knew the gospel was restored and knew of the divinity of the Lord's plan and of life forever.

    1. I enjoy attending funerals as well. I always learn so much about the person, and it reminds me of the Plan of Salvation and that life continues on after death. I look forward to the Resurrection so much!
      Thanks for sharing!


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