
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Girls Night: The Little Mermaid

Another activity we did while in Iowa was a fun girls night out while Zach had a guys night with his brother and friends.

Kodie and Ireland invited us to attend The Little Mermaid musical put on by the local kids in the area. We really enjoyed it. Lucy wanted to dance in front of her chair the whole time while the music was playing. I don't blame her! I love the soundtrack to that movie.

It was Lucy's first time attending a live performance. Looking back I should have prepped her more before we went, and have her watch the movie so that she understood the plot. ("Why is her dad breaking all her stuff?") She still enjoyed it though!

Clara did surprisingly well, even though I had to take her out once.

Nana with a few of her grand daughters.

Lovely ladies.

From the other end.

Haha! Twinners.

A Lucy original. 

Thanks for the fun night out Kodie, Ireland and Nana! We love girl time. 

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