
Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Andrew surprised us with tickets to Sea World! Thankfully, we picked a day that was a lot warmer than the one we to to Six Flags on.

We loved all the shows and seeing the animals. Lucy loved the kiddie rides and exploring everything. It was so fun! Zach and I even went on a few rollercosters together while Boyd and Andrew watched the kids for us. I was so surprised how short the lines were! We only had to wait one turn before getting on.

Sweethearts for life.

Waiting for a show.

Zach and Lucy at the top of the net climb. In the summer this whole area has a water park feature to it.

Lucy loving meeting everyone.

Andrew bought a few bowls of fish to feed to the sea lions. 

They even found one squid in the bunch!

Had to recapture our last picture taken here.

Pregnant with Lucy: March 2010

Sea World was a lot of fun, and another place that seems like a year pass would be worth investing in. Maybe after our year pass for the Children's Museum expires we will get a family pass to one of these parks! I like how they both have water parks/features for the summer months.

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