
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lucy Update: Start of 2014

Here are some highlights from the beginning of 2014.

"What do you think of this Mom? I think it's pretty. It's hair." Who says that Zebras need their stripes on their bodies?

Lucy trying out bubble painting at a play date.

Lucy saying hello to our dinner guests. 

Practicing writing her name.

Stretching it out with dad, getting ready for a run.

I went upstairs to go to bed and found this tent/blanket/fort at the foot of the bed. Apparently we have a new resident that has moved in. This explains the pitter patter of little feet I heard earlier in the evening. 

Apparently we have a ghost cleaner.

Family date at Chuck E Cheese.

February 6th, woke up to snow! Lucy says: "It's snow, that means it's Christmas!"

Blurry picture of Lucy putting on a performance with her friends while we played games with our friends.

Art time: Coloring and making crowns

Playing with her "new" kitchen and bike.

Going on a walk around the neighborhood and finding a beautiful tree. 

Celebrating Pi day on March 14.

Stake Field Day: Lucy trying to play kickball 


Painting nails with Mom. 

Being a big helper by washing the chairs.

Playing in blanket forts with Clara.

Reading our Peter book together.