
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lucy Update: Start of 2014

Here are some highlights from the beginning of 2014.

"What do you think of this Mom? I think it's pretty. It's hair." Who says that Zebras need their stripes on their bodies?

Lucy trying out bubble painting at a play date.

Lucy saying hello to our dinner guests. 

Practicing writing her name.

Stretching it out with dad, getting ready for a run.

I went upstairs to go to bed and found this tent/blanket/fort at the foot of the bed. Apparently we have a new resident that has moved in. This explains the pitter patter of little feet I heard earlier in the evening. 

Apparently we have a ghost cleaner.

Family date at Chuck E Cheese.

February 6th, woke up to snow! Lucy says: "It's snow, that means it's Christmas!"

Blurry picture of Lucy putting on a performance with her friends while we played games with our friends.

Art time: Coloring and making crowns

Playing with her "new" kitchen and bike.

Going on a walk around the neighborhood and finding a beautiful tree. 

Celebrating Pi day on March 14.

Stake Field Day: Lucy trying to play kickball 


Painting nails with Mom. 

Being a big helper by washing the chairs.

Playing in blanket forts with Clara.

Reading our Peter book together. 


  1. Tracy, I love following your blog! You do such fun things with your kids and have such good ideas! Hope all is going well for you!

    1. Thanks, Brenna! When you take pictures and try to document all the fun things you do, it is a lot easier to remember them! Haha! Sometimes if feels like we don't really do anything but clean, eat, and sleep. :)


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