
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Lucy Update: Start of 2014

Here are some highlights from the beginning of 2014.

"What do you think of this Mom? I think it's pretty. It's hair." Who says that Zebras need their stripes on their bodies?

Lucy trying out bubble painting at a play date.

Lucy saying hello to our dinner guests. 

Practicing writing her name.

Stretching it out with dad, getting ready for a run.

I went upstairs to go to bed and found this tent/blanket/fort at the foot of the bed. Apparently we have a new resident that has moved in. This explains the pitter patter of little feet I heard earlier in the evening. 

Apparently we have a ghost cleaner.

Family date at Chuck E Cheese.

February 6th, woke up to snow! Lucy says: "It's snow, that means it's Christmas!"

Blurry picture of Lucy putting on a performance with her friends while we played games with our friends.

Art time: Coloring and making crowns

Playing with her "new" kitchen and bike.

Going on a walk around the neighborhood and finding a beautiful tree. 

Celebrating Pi day on March 14.

Stake Field Day: Lucy trying to play kickball 


Painting nails with Mom. 

Being a big helper by washing the chairs.

Playing in blanket forts with Clara.

Reading our Peter book together. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Envelope Drawings

Another fun goal for the year was to draw more and I was inspired by this post which showed envelope drawings.

I started by illustrating the envelopes of thank you notes we were sending out, along with some random "letters" that Lucy insisted on mailing. Then I posted the finished products on my Instagram.

Then I decided to decorate all the envelopes that went with my visiting teaching letter route. Which ended up being seventeen?

I really enjoyed this project! It can be hard to find suitable photo references, especially when looking for so many! I like the first batch of realistic black and white flower drawings best, but I think I might need to get a flower book for future drawings.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hers and Mine Artwork

Two of the fun things I wanted to do this year was draw more, and share more art.

I decided to start a series of drawing with Lucy called "Hers and Mine" and posted the results on Instagram.

Here are the results so far!

The start: Lucy not really grasping my vision of matching drawings yet.
Photo reference from an Google Image search.

One of my favorites! Matching Anchorage Alaska Temples.

A mother baboon and her baby: Photo reference from Reed Miller

Butterfly: Photo reference from kids book.

Tractor: Photo reference from kids book.

Piglet: Photo reference from a kids book.

The woodland kingfisher: Image reference from Reed Miller.

Lucy loves looking through animal pictures on my computer to pick out our next subject matter for these drawings.

This was a great opportunity to teach Lucy some drawing skills, and was a fun drawing exercise to do together. Hopefully Lucy will be interested in continuing it in the future!