
Sunday, January 11, 2015

4th of July Guests

My brothers Boyd and Trent, and our friend Andrew, came to visit for the 4th of July. Unfortunately three days before they got here I started experiencing strong nausea and fatigue from my pregnancy. As a result, I wasn't able to entertain and run around with them as much as I would have liked, but we still had a great time visiting with them and having them here.

Six flags, games, movies, and bowling were just some of the activities we enjoyed.

Story time with Boyd.

Reading Peter Rabit.

Sunday dinner courtesy of Boyd and Andrew. Roast lamb, stuffed tomatoes, and roasted veggies with apples. 

At the Matisse art exhibit.

From the Art Museum 

One of my favorite pieces from the museum.

Blown glass ceiling instillation from one of my favorite artist, Dale Chihuly. 

Watching youtube videos of cows mooing, getting ready for Cow Appreciate Day at Chick-fil-A.

The siblings that dress up together, get free food together. 

Face masks, a movie, and a cheese party!

All the beautiful cheeses. 

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