
Friday, January 16, 2015

Daddy Daughter Dance: October 2014

In October our church hosted a Daddy Daughter Dance. It had a western theme and I tagged along to help manage two little girls, so Zach could spend time with each, as well as take some pictures. We also went out to eat before hand at one of Lucy's favorite spots, Chick-fil-A.

Once at the dance I was so surprised to see how well attended it was, and was even more surprised to see so many dads actually dancing!

Half of the gymnasium was blocked off for dancing, and the other half had the lights on and stick horses for the little ones to run around with. Lucy loved this part.

They also had activities and booths around the church in different rooms for those that might not like to dance. There was a fishing booth with candy, penny toss, professional photo booth, and other various games. In the gym there was a "make your own trail mix" bar with various mix-ins.

The morning of the daddy/daughter date. Starting the day off right with Daddy story time. 

Ready to go!

Zach dancing with Clara and Lucy behind him dancing with some of her church friends. 

Stick horse time!

The dance started after Lucy and Clara's bed times, but they still had fun. You could tell Clara was tired though. I hope this is an annual thing because it was awesome! I was really impressed with the whole thing.

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