
Friday, January 9, 2015

Lucy Update: Second Half of 2014

Here are Lucy's highlights from the second half of the year.

Lucy sniffing her corsage.

Loving her demo corsage.

Reading with Nana.

Tea party

Something is really funny about this paper doll page in her Friend magazine.

Morning dance/costume party with Mom.

Found these pictures on my phone. Also photographic evidence of Lucy sneaking into grape popsicles, and evidence that she had been watching a Barbie movie on my phone in her bedroom while I was sleeping. Then I changed my password.

Part of Lucy's Father's Day gift to Zach, an interview I did with her about her Dad. 

Sometimes this is the only way to get Lucy to stay still long enough for a nap. 

Lucy's dream comes true. 

Riding the carousel together at Six Flags.

Learning how to make a paper crane at the Around the World Winter Fest at our local library. 

Henna art from the Pakistan and India tables at the Around the World Winter Fest. 

Lucy is excited about the gift box Uncle Boyd sent us for Christmas. 

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