
Friday, March 6, 2015

Christmas Eve & Morning 2014

We celebrated Christmas a day early this year because Zach had no work on Christmas eve, so we decided to start the party a day earlier!

We let each person pick one present to open on "Christmas eve". Zach opened the present Lucy got for him (a Playstation game), Lucy opened one Zach got for her (army gear pack), and I don't remember what Clara and I opened. Haha. After hanging out for awhile we sent the kiddlets to bed and got to work finishing wrapping the last few gifts, and set them out. I snapped a few pictures before heading to bed myself.

Lucy modeling her new Army gear present from Zach. 

Lucy decorated the wrapping paper herself. 

Candy Cane girls!

On "Christmas morning" we decided to make a new tradition and went to have breakfast at Kneaders. We had never been, but loved the delicious unlimited sourdough pancakes with fresh caramel syrup, strawberries, and whipped cream. Yum! I hope we can do this every year from now on!

Christmas morning snuggle pile.

Yum! Those pancakes were so huge we didn't even get a second order!

After breakfast we headed back home to open presents!

Per tradition, we started with stockings.

Lucy loved her present from Clara, a new leotard with ballet leggings.

"Thanks, Clara!"

Zach loved his games from his parents.

I loved my Anne of Green Gables DVD set from Kay and Greg!

Clara loved her pots and pans from Zach.

Lucy (and Clara) loved their plastic animals from Scott and Christina!

She loved them SO much.

Clara didn't love her bib from Boyd...

Just kidding! She actually does love it, but she was really tired and didn't even get to finish opening her presents because right after this picture we put her down for a nap. :) Grumpy baby.

Thanks Dad and Gayle!

Thanks, Uncle Boyd!

Thanks, Uncle Trent!

Lucy with her loot. Tea set from our neighbors, alarm clock and crayon book from Nana and Poppa.  

Clara and her loot. Rocking cradle from Nana and Poppa, Bunny book from neighbors. 

Clara loves her new slippers from Grandma Gayle and Grandpa Billy!

We finished off the Christmas season by eating popcorn and watching one of my favorite movies, Mr. Kruger's Christmas. The scene with baby Jesus makes me cry every time.

Lastly, must document this big 'ol belly. 

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