
Monday, February 6, 2012

Remembering Peter: Book

For Christmas I decided to make a book of Peter's life. I made a copy for us (with the most pictures and pages), a copy for my dad and step-mom, a copy for Zach's parents, and a copy for my mom and step-dad. 

For our copy I wanted pretty much every picture of Peter. Even if they were very similar, I couldn't delete any more. I figured it was a one time purchase and was worth the extra money for all the pages of pictures my heart desired. 

I also included each update we wrote on facebook for our friends and family (all of which have since been posted on this blog), notes from Peter's Name and a Blessing, notes from Priesthood blessings I received during this time, a break down of Peter's full name with meanings and origins, the poem The Weaver, and the letters that Zach and I wrote for him. I wanted a place to find everything possible, that was Peter related, all in one place. 

This book has been very comforting, and I have enjoyed looking through it as well as reading it with Lucy and sharing it with people that come to our home. When people ask about Peter it is nice to be able to share this book with them and have them see who he is and experience a little bit of his life here on Earth. 

I would definitely recommend making a book like this as a gift for someone who has lost a loved one, or even for a family album for yourself. The website I used was very user friendly with lots of options and help. 

I look forward to reading this book and looking through these pictures with Lucy as she grows older, as well as sharing it with our future children and other family members who did not get a chance to meet Peter. 

Here are a few of the pages.

The front cover

The Weaver with sunset photographs by Scott Soule

Ultrasounds of Peter (three of many)

First hold

Zach's first hold with his baby boy

Nana's first hold

Peter's first bath

My dad and step-mom meeting Peter for the first time

Family pictures at the house

Funeral program

Flowers from friends and family, Peter's headstone design, and burial plot

Closing pages of the book- Families Can Be Together Forever


  1. Beautiful Tracy. I'm sorry for your family's sorrow, but your strength and dedication has been an inspiration. I'm glad that you were able to record so many moments of his life, and that he will be vividly remembered by many.

  2. Thank you for sharing your book and life with us. We where so touch to get to know little Peter the other night!


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