
Friday, April 13, 2012

Peter's Memorial: Six Months

On April 3rd was Peter's six month birthday. This month we went to the cemetery and released a balloon at his grave site. It is hard to believe half a year has passed since his birth. I went into labor the Sunday night/Monday morning after Conference weekend. 

Here are our memories of Peter and messages to him this month. 

Lucy sending Peter kisses.

Being reverent.

Sending Peter our love.

Getting ready to say a little prayer.

I wish I could hold and kiss you all over, Peter! We love and miss you!

The background of Peter's Memorial found here.


  1. Tracy, it makes me happy to see all the things you are doing to remember Peter and to keep him a part of your family. I love reading all of your updates.

  2. Every conference will be a great time for remembering Peter. My mom sends us a great email each month to remember my brother who recently passed away. I am so happy that you are starting traditions and remember Peter, I know for me remembering helps.

  3. I'm sad that I never had the chance to meet Peter. I hear he's a pretty amazing person! What a beautiful way to send him your love. I think the balloons are perfect!!

  4. You are amazing. Thanks for sharing, it was so beautiful. You are an example to us all.


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