
Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentines: Felt Hair Clips and Bracelet

Lucy and I had a lot of fun making these fun Valentine accessories together. I found the inspiration here and bought my supplies at our local Michaels and Hobby Lobby.

This project was also one of our February Advent Calender activities.

Felt Heart Bracelet

Felt bracelet 
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Felt hearts

Arrange them how you want, then hot glue them on!

So stylin'!

Heart Clip

Stiff felt glitter heart
Hair clip
Red and white felt
Hot glue gun and glue sticks

Snip small hole for hair clip to slide through.

Slip clip through and set aside for later.

Cut a small square of white to make lace trim around heart. Use scissors to create bumps all the way around the heart.

Use hot glue to glue white backing onto glitter heart.

Get clip with the plain heart back and glue felt hearts together using glue gun. 

Rose clip

Hair clip
Felt rose
Green felt
Hot glue gun and glue
Popsicle stick for pressing felt into crevices of clip while gluing 

Start by cutting a strip of green felt that matches the width and length of the entire clip. Glue it to the starting spot and slowly hot glue it to the clip a little at a time so that the glue will be smooth and won't cool too soon for you to press the felt into it.

Use the popsicle stick to press the felt into the hot glue in the tight corners and trim any extra felt off with scissors.

Clip should be entirely covered with green felt and able to open and close. Now hot glue the felt rose onto the clip and you are done!

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