
Saturday, February 16, 2013

February: Activity and Service Advent Calendar

Since Lucy and I had so much fun our December Advent Calender, I decided to make one for February too.

Unfortunately, so far we have had to rearrange most of the activities because Lucy got RSV and we have all been under the weather.

I made a simple paper chain again and if we don't get to the activities on that days link we just set it aside and eventually we accomplish it and throw it away once we have. 

Here is the list of fun activities and acts of service for the month of February!

Activity Service
Fri. Feb. 1 XOX necklace Give dad a massage
Sat Feb. 2 Make popcorn- watch movie Put clean clothes away
Sun Feb. 3 Make cards- TP roll heart stamps Sing Lucy a song
Mon Feb. 4 Write love letters  Sing dad a song
Tue Feb. 5 Make heart apples Switch linen and game closets
Wed Feb. 6 Make heart hair clips Make all the beds
Thu Feb. 7 Homemade Heart Pizza Put away dishes
Fri Feb. 8 Cupid's Floats Organize Lucy's bathroom
Sat Feb. 9 Family Dance Party Dust the living room
Sun Feb. 10 Play a game with dad Give dad a kiss
Mon Feb. 11 Hot Apple Cider Tea Party Wash glass door windows
Tue Feb. 12 LOVE: Large Artwork Sing mom a song
Wed Feb. 13 Paint Nails Put away games
Thu Feb. 14 Have breakfast for dinner Give mom a massage
Fri Feb. 15 Blanket Fort Clean the fridge, oven, etc.
Sat Feb. 16 Go on a picnic! Clean side of bed
Sun Feb. 17 Sing Primary songs Give mom a kiss
Mon Feb. 18 Make chore chart Clean out car
Tue Feb. 19 Plant a garden! Organize shoe rack
Wed Feb. 20 Decorate marshmellows  Put away shoes
Thu Feb. 21 Sidewalk chalk Wipe down toilets
Fri Feb. 22 Scrapbook Organize coat closet
Sat Feb. 23 Go to the park Empty trashes
Sun Feb. 24 Hide and Seek Give Lucy a kiss
Mon Feb. 25 ABC Blocks Clean bathroom
Tue Feb. 26 Make homemade bread Give Lucy a massage
Wed Feb. 27 Butterfly Dome Wipe down door handles
Thu Feb. 28 Donation Drop Off Clean kitchen chairs


  1. These are awesome! I think I would have about ten more "give mom a massage".

    1. Haha! Agreed! I try to make it balanced, and to be honest Lucy's massages are pretty soft still. :)

  2. Tracy, you are such a great mom! I love this idea, I may need to come up with a similar chart for Gage.

    AND those clips are so cute. I can't wait till my little baldy has hair (Kjel, not Steve;) And I can start putting cute accessories on her.

    1. Thanks, Brooke! It has really helped me spend more intentional time with Lucy and make sure we are accomplishing good things every day.


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