
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Baby: Day One

Wednesday April 17, 2013 we were scheduled for a c-section and we arrived at the hospital ready to go.

Got to the hospital at 6am and ready to do this thing.

IV in hand strategically covered with a washcloth so I wouldn't have to look at it.

Zach geared up and ready to go.



Cutting the cord.

That is one strong baby! Hanging on for dear life.

(Cue the Circle of Life soundtrack from The Lion King.)

Not very exciting rub down.

Official time was 9:02am, Wednesday April 17, 2013.

So, so relieved and happy.

Nice and pink.

Lookin' good!


With tears of happiness and relief.

7 lbs 14 oz. 19.5 inches

In the recovery room, spending time with my new daughter.

Happy as a clam.

Ready for her close-up.

Welcome to our family, little one!


  1. Beautiful!!! So happy for you!!!!

  2. Sooooooooo sweet and cute! I love her! And I LOL'ed on your commentary! hahaha, I could just hear your voice saying it all! I love it! Congratulations!!! And I meant to comment the other day, Lucy is sooooooooooo pretty!

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you Joree! :D I feel pretty lucky to have such great babies. :)

  3. YAY! Happy day! I LOVE the pic where she is grabbing the doc's sleeve...ha! What a sweet little babe. Tracy, you are beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Amy! :D Zach did a great job documenting everything for me to look at later. You can't see anything while they are doing the surgery, so I'm glad he was able to get pictures for me.

  4. Does she have a name yet? She looks like a very calm, happy baby and I love her chubby little face. Good job, mama!

  5. Welcome to the world, sweetheart! :)

  6. Beautiful! I think I even teared up a lil bit! She is a beauty! And you are, too! Thank you for sharing!

  7. So lovely to have your new little cutie here, safe and sound. She sure is sweet and beautiful! Congratulations!


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