
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Baby: Days Two and Three

On Thursday we were happy to have family come visit us in the hospital and spend a little time with us during the day.

I love when Zach's family visits. Unfortunately, I didn't get to participate in very many activities while they were here due to the pregnancy and birth, but I still enjoyed what time we spent together and greatly appreciated all the help they were. It was so nice to have them around to watch Lucy during the day while I was in the hospital and Zach was at work, and I love how they are always willing to pitch in and help. They are also always willing to play new games, which makes Zach happy too.

I only wish they could have stayed longer!

Nana and Poppa

One of my dear friends from the Nursery/NICU came to visit us! I love these nurses. I love this hospital! I wish I had gotten pictures with everyone that stopped by to say hello during our hospital stay. We have been very blessed to have had amazing care and made amazing friends through our experiences at this hospital in the past five years.

First real meal after delivery! (Not counting the "Liquid Diet" lunch I had a couple hours before.)

Lots of sleeping baby in my lap.

Yum! Goodbye Gestational Diabetes!

Giving all the kisses.

Figured out how to hold her pacifier in her mouth by herself. I am impressed!

So beautiful! Thank you so much Julie and family! What a surprise.

Sneak peek at photo shoot.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I want to snuggle the heck out of her! What a little angel!


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