
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Welcome Home...

I always love my stay at the hospital when I have a baby.  I love the yummy food- that I don't even have to prepare myself! I also love the nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals there that take such good care of me and my babies. It's like visiting all my friends!  This visit I packed a giant bag of assorted Ghirardelli chocolate squares to hand out to all the doctors, nurses, etc. who helped me and who visited me as a thank you. It was a great idea!  -Taking care of the people who are taking care of you. Plus, who wouldn't appreciate chocolate and a "thank you"?

*Note: After arriving home from the hospital and eating one of the chocolates myself, I discovered that they had been partly melted and resolidified before unknowingly handing them out to everybody.

If you pack your hospital bag beforehand, make sure to not leave the chocolates in the bag if you leave your bag in the car- in the hot Texas heat.

On Saturday we were discharged and headed home to enjoy the last few moments with Zach's family before they had to head back to Iowa. Lucy was very excited to welcome us and lost no time in requesting to hold her baby sister.

I even got around to updating our Welcome Home sign during a rare double-nap when Lucy and Clara were both asleep.

Welcome home, my darling!



Ready to go home!

All buckles.

It's go time!

Lucy welcoming her little sister home.

That drive home- so exhausting!

Lucy loving being a helper and big sister!

Sharing all the secrets.

One last snuggle with Nana before she heads home.

Welcome home from Lucy and Nana. So sweet!

Nothing better than a present waiting for you when you get home!

So cute! Thank you, Alisa! :D 

Announcing our new arrival! Thanks, Nana!

Getting her daily Vitamin D fix.

Enjoying her cozy owl hat from Sasa! 

Smiling, milk-drunk, and loving it.

Snuggle time with Dad.

Dark silky hair in the back.


  1. Beautiful!! (the baby AND the name... and the mommy... and the sister...)

  2. I love these sweet, sweet pictures! She is beautiful! Love the name!

  3. Great idea w/ handing out the chocolates- I'll have to remember that one w/ my next kiddo. Love the name!


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