
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hospital Pictures

On Friday my awesome friend Cassie came to visit me and to take some hospital pictures for us. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed her company and I love how the pictures turned out!

Thank you a million, Cassie! Best baby present ever.

"No pictures, please!"

Apparently she can even make changing a diaper look cute.

Mad because we took the pacifier out.

Trying to console herself by shoving her fist into her mouth.

Me and my girls.

No idea where this came from, or where she learned it.

Handsome dad.

My beautiful family!

The whole gang.

I love these pictures and hope I can have someone come take some at all my future babies births!


  1. Ah..I love these. I especially love the one with the out of focus flowers where you're kissing your babe...and the Lucy=-pulling-her-mouth-out one...stinkin awesome! Hahaha!

    1. Aren't those flowers perfect! They add such a beautiful touch to the pictures. I have been loving them all week on my kitchen table too. :)

      And seriously, I have no idea where that face from Lucy came from? :S Haha. Weirdo.

  2. These are beautiful! I'm glad charolettes bows worked out!I lover her already!

    1. Thank you for letting us borrow them! I would buy this one from you if you have one for sale. ;)

  3. Tracy, these are gorgeous! You have a great looking family and some amazingly beautiful girls! Congrats and I wish you and your family all the best!

    1. Thank you, Joy! :D I am partial to them myself, and can't stop telling them how pretty they are and how sweet. :) The joys of being a mom!

  4. I love the picture of her crying. Not that I want her to cry...but it's so stinking cute and I just want to scoop her up and hold her. And the one where Lu is grabbing her in a full hug is precious. It looks like there are some smiles from baby too. You have a beautiful family and I know Peter was smiling down on you all.

    1. I agree! I love the ones of Lucy trying to hold her. She wants to- but doesn't know quite how to make her fit. Haha.


  5. Congratulation!!! I am so very happy for your family, she is beautiful and Tracy you look great.

  6. Tracy, you look beautiful.

    I love these photos - Lucy is hilarious and the sweetest. What a good sister :)



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