
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Family Dinner in Iowa

To end our three week vacation to Iowa, Kay graciously hosted a family reunion so that we could see and visit everyone. We had a delicious pot-luck dinner and enjoyed chatting and spending time with family.

Lucy and Clara got to meet everyone. Lucy especially loved meeting baby Max. Other highlights of her evening included: Aunt Dixie sneaking her cookies before dinner, a "Big Sister" shirt from Aunt Dixie, and a gift bag of bracelets , clothes, and books from Aunt Bonnie! Lucky girl! (She insisted on changing into her new clothes immediately.)

Clara loved being snuggled and held all evening, her new embroidered blanket from Aunt Dixie, and gift bag of baby clothes and ball/rattle from Aunt Bonnie!

We sure do feel loved in this family. Thanks for all the gifts!

Lucy trying to kiss and hold every baby at once.

Sooo much food!


Proud grandmas!

The siblings.

With spouses.

I feel so blessed to have married into this great family. From the first day I met everyone I felt so loved and welcomed. I can't wait to visit and see everyone again soon!

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