
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Iowa: Good Eats

Yum! Look at those cheeks. I want to eat that baby!

Only half kidding, we were actually at my new favorite restaurant in Iowa, Bubba-Q's when these delicious baby pictures were taken. (Bubba Q Bacon Cheeseburger, please!)

Oh my, cuteness x2!

We also enjoyed some good ol' home cooking provided by Greg and Kay. Yum!

Some kind of caramel, coconut, pecan cake. Mmm. 

Burgers & corn on the cob = good ol' Iowa eatin'!

Kay's famous Dirt Cake recipe, for posterity's sake.

 What are your favorite foods to eat when you go home? I'm already starting to think about making classic Christmas treats to help us make new memories in our new home.

Share any delicious tried and true family recipes below!

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