
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Peter's Birthday: Two Years

For Peter's second birthday we celebrated and commemorated by going out to eat for lunch, visiting the cemetery, and releasing some balloons.

When we got home Lucy and I worked on an art project together. She drew a family portrait on our chalkboard and I added a banner as a final touch. I love how it turned out, and really enjoy seeing the progression of figurines she is mastering a step at a time.

Me and my girls. 

My loves!

True that.

Really sad that the last un-popped balloon isn't for her to take home.

Surrounded by peaceful cotton fields. 

Working together. 

Last year on Peter's birthday we were driving all day from Iowa to Alabama to attend Zach's graduation so it hardly even felt like it happened. We were so busy with everything else going on, I didn't have too hard of a time until a few weeks later, when we got finally got home and settled back down.

This year was a lot more emotional for me on his actual birthday. I'm sure part of my emotional response was the other stresses in our life: moving, job change, city change, etc. When you are already stressed out, your emotions are so close to the surface that any little thing can scratch through and unleash the flood gates.

October and November are hard months for me, but at the same time it's one of my favorite times of the year. I love the cooler weather, holiday season, and time to enjoy with family and friends. I like thinking about Peter and remembering him with those we love. Reevaluating my life and seeing which areas I need to improve in.

I like looking at babies who are turning two around me and seeing what Peter would be doing if he were healthy and still alive. Imagining what he would be like.

He was such a sweet, sweet boy.

We love you, Peter!


  1. OH....I love your family and litlle Peter. Lucy's balloon was so sweet, it made me cry! She knows that she will see her brother again. I can tell what a good job you and Zach are doing, in teaching your girls! :) And Zach's balloon made me laugh...hahaha! Love you Tracy! You are always an example to me, and Peter's life and story continue to bring others closer to Christ.

    1. I love you, Amy! Really, you just need to move to San Antonio. ;)
      We talk about death a lot. I definitely try to take those teaching opportunities to teach the Plan of Salvation and help her understand what death means, and what we believe comes after. It helps with the loss to know that it isn't the end. <3

  2. Happy Birthday Peter! I can't wait to hang his little ornament on my tree again this year. You are a beautiful mother, Tracy!

    1. Thank you, Amanda! <3 It warms my heart to think about his little hand prints hanging on your tree, and those hanging them thinking about him with us.


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