
Friday, January 24, 2014

Christmas Parties

Our church Christmas party was so great! The people who organized it did an amazing job with decorations,  dinner, musical numbers, and the nativity program. I really enjoyed the retelling of the Christmas story and wasn't sad a bit that Santa didn't make an appearance . Love!

I still need the recipe for the creamed corn that was served as one of the pot luck sides. Yum! Who even knew such deliciousness existed until I moved to Texas.

So, so lovely.

At Zach's work Christmas party they had a great waiting area with all kinds of activities while we anticipated the arrival of the guest of honor.

Lucy's favorite feature of any party: The bounce house

Um, cute!

Lovin' up on Dad while they can!

Nice little peach fuzz hair coming in. Very nice, very nice.

He rolled up to the gate in style.

Santa is hardcore in Texas.

That's one classy Santa Claus.

Lucy posing with Dad in front of the "shooters"

I don't know how you beat that kind of entrance. Space shuttle? Teleporter?

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