
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Winterfest & Movie Night

Our little community hosted a Winterfest and the girls and I stopped by to check it out while Zach ran errands. I heard that there would be snow!

We brought a few toys to donate to the Santa's Workshop and got some tickets for rides, but because it was so cold we didn't even end up using them. We did win coupons for some free desserts at the Chick-fil-A booth, and some free hot chocolate mix.

Lucy also enjoyed writing a letter to Santa telling him her Christmas wish and also shared what she was giving her Dad for Christmas.

North, to Alaska!

She loves these costume suits and was laughing the whole time. Eat more chicken!

The "Snow" I had heard so much about. Lucy's face says it all: Disappointment/confusion

Oh, well! Stand on it, poke at it with your mitten, take a picture, and we're off!

Despite the surprisingly freezing temperatures that day, and the somewhat of a let down on the snow front, it was a fun activity to go and check out. Next year we will have to have Zach come with us so that he can take Lucy on some of the rides while I stand with the baby.

Another fun activity we did for a family day was to go see the movie Frozen at the theater. This was both Lucy and Clara's first movie theater experience and they both did great, minus one small incident with Clara. Half way through the movie at the climax musical number I realized she needed a diaper change, stat.

Suffice it to say that it wasn't her first bath in a public restroom sink. By this point I am pro. Lucky for her I had an extra outfit in the diaper bag for her to change into! Then back to the movie to enjoy the rest of the show. She even fell asleep for the last bit.



Lucy loved it, and is very eager for her next movie theater experience.

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