
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013: Reunion

Originally for Thanksgiving we had planned on having some friends come visit and stay with us in our new house. Unfortunately, we had to cancel because we hadn't even moved in until a few days before!

Thankfully we received a few dinner invitations locally and were able to go visit with my old roommate Marianne, and her husband Brian, (who had been my brother Boyd's roommate), and Marianne's brother and his wife and kids who were so gracious to host the Thanksgiving dinner at their home.

The dinner was amazing, and the company was even better.

We were so grateful that David & Elise invited us! It was so great to see everyone and catch up after not having seen them for several years.

The best picture I could find of us with all our girls. Ha!

My loves!

The kidlets. 

Searching for deals and planning Black Friday excursions.

Love, love, love this girl!

Clara's head was a good support for standing apparently.

Baby besties hanging out under the swing.

Kid wrangling. 

I am so, so glad that we were able to meet up again after all this time. Lucky for us they only live a few hours away now. Let's not wait another six years before seeing each other again!

Here's to living closer to friends and family!

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