
Thursday, January 1, 2015

April 2014 General Conference

Zach had to work Conference weekend, so we made it a fun Mother-Daughter time with a yummy breakfast and activities.

We pulled out the Friend magazines from the past few months and made the Around the World paper dolls that are found in each issue.

I'm not someone who usually advocates providing entertainment for your kids, and instead usually insist that they sit reverently and try to listen so they can learn and practice for church. I was surprised to find that I focused better while mindlessly coloring and actually got a lot more out of it than when I try to just watch and listen while attempting to corral two distracting babies.

Clara was confined to the highchair eating for one session, and napping the second, which worked great for her. Lucy was engrossed in her project and asking questions about what we were listening to, while I answered her inquiries, colored, and watched the broadcast myself. A win for everyone!

Proud of her paper dolls.

Happy to be eating German Pancakes and watching the church news in-between sessions.

What traditions do you do on Conference weekend?

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