
Saturday, January 3, 2015

Clara's and Lucy's Birthdays 2014

Clara turned one and celebrated by having Krispy Kreme donuts as a birthday treat. She enjoyed it immensely. She was even licking herself clean after the doughnut was gone to ensure nothing was wasted.


Pure baby joy/gluttony.

Trying to figure out how to get it from in between her finger to in her mouth.

Licking to obtain every last morsel.

Baby contentment.

"Is there more?"

One last bite.

Lucy and Clara opened their matching birthday presents from Grandpa Billy and Grandma Gayle together. Beautiful yellow church dresses that they wore for Easter Sunday!

Every baby's favorite part of presents, the wrapping.

The excitement.

For Lucy's 4th birthday she picked out vanilla bean cupcakes and opened presents.

Blessed with her Dad's cute dimples.

Clara wanting those cupcakes.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

New sun hat for hot and sunny Texas.

Hello Kitty hair bands.

Lucy was ecstatic about every present she got. These are decorative light bulbs for her room.

Thanks Uncle Boydie!

Thanks again Uncle Boydie!

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